Sunday, April 22, 2018

"The Game" - vol. 2


Random group of people that are supposed to help each other. Work towards a common gold (upgrade structures and increase Guild Hall so boons are better). Running content together is a bonus.

So if you are stuck in a guild where you are the sole donator to the coffer, where you can't get any help, jump ship! There are plenty of good and helpful guilds out there.

When starting out, I had no idea what to expect from a guild. So we joined a random group of people that were growing a new one. And it was fun. Everyone was working towards the same goal, we met fun people. And then people stopped playing and the progress slowed to a crawl. Leader went afk and that was the death of the guild. We then swapped to a different one, a bit higher level. At first we were like welcome guests. Leaders always trying to run new content with us. Since we had the training of the first (growing) guild, we would be really good donators to the coffer. And we went from being good ones, to close to the only ones. And the leaders stopped including us in things. Guess they felt we were granted. Hubbie kept wanting to leave and find a new guild, but i kept procrastinating. I felt bad for leaving that place that was home for so many months. Until a new mod came live. We unlocked it and grew our toons to a point where they would be strong enough to do it. And flat out asked our leaders to take us with them, since they were running it all the time. And were ignored... December rolled in and with it a guild "contest": top donators will get a Xmas gift. That was easy beans for me. So i did the usual thing and when responding to the "quest email" I said i was entering and wanted no gift, just to have them run the new dungeon with us. Results came in and as expected I ranked 1st. And got a token from the leader, for completion of a beginners campaign that i had finished months ago. No mention of my specific request. And I stopped procrastinating. We both left. Leadership wasn't happy about it (an email was sent to guild members after we left with a rant about ppl leaving the family or some crap like that), but they didn't even have the courtesy of ask why or reach out to us.

Search for a new guild ensued. And we found a new home. A fun group of people, good boons and little drama. Guild heaven I would say! Now we are the ones trying to drag new players to run new content. Because they can and should have the chance to do it. And because everyone needs to start somehow. And learn.

So the bottom line is (literally): don't settle for a guild that isn't taking care of you. It goes both ways, you give and you should get in return!

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