Thursday, April 05, 2018

TBT - movies from 20 y ago

The year was 1998. The world was full of promise and opportunities. At least to a teenager girl!
It was also the year when my dad and I started going to the movies together. Don't remember why we stopped doing it, but i remember we did it during that year, and I loved it.
These were some of the titles that caught my eye from the 3,689 titles posted on IMDb:

Tom Hanks to the rescue... Literally! This may have been an awesome movie, considering reviews and what not, but... not my cup of tea.

Let me just take a second to admit this movie is 20 years old. Ben Stiller getting his ding dong stuck in a zipper and the "hair gel" scene are the only memories of it I have. I was a teenager, what is your excuse?

You try and watch this with your dad and not cry! 

The soundtrack... 💗

And that will be all for this trip down memory lane! Many other titles rattled my memory, but I am off to find a space heater for a job site! 

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