Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Backaches - or the perfect excuse to skip work?

Thursday: mini boss [MB] came to work with a backache. Seems he slept wrong and pinched a nerve. Chiropractor was closed that day, so he had to wait until Friday to see him.
Big boss came by and made mini boss do some lifting on heavy equipment.
MB in pain.
Me feeling very sorry for him.
Friday: MB comes to work barely walking after seeing the chiropractor. Me feeling sorry for him. Tell him to go home and lay down and rest.
Saturday: MB posts picture on Instagram of some pottery he was making. I am no expert, but to spin the wheel you need to be in a sitting position, right? Me feeling confused.
Monday: MB at work "still stiff". Ask him how the weekend was and he says he was in painkillers most of the time and stayed home. All i have to say is: I want some of those painkillers that make him forget he was making clay stuff and posting it on Instagram during the weekend! MB left before lunch.
Tuesday: Still sore. Felt the need to say again how spent entire weekend laying down...

It sure seems nice to be salary and not part time/hourly rate. If I was salary i could just leave with a backache and be paid. Instead I have to stick around and pretend to work when things are slow...

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