Friday, April 20, 2018

[A different kind of addiction] - Lord of the Rings

Back when I was 15y old, reading was my one and only obsession. It took me to different places, allowed me to meet new people and to be someone else. For that reason, I was a regular at my school library, where we were fortunate enough to have plenty non-academic books to choose from. One day, while browsing the shelves, my then Physics teacher approached me and volunteered a series of books that he thought I would like. And he was right. I had just been introduced to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Started off reading the Hobbit, slowly entering into that fantasy realm created for Tolkien's children and shared with the world. However, the book wasn't that long and soon The Lord of the Rings trilogy accompanied me home from the library. And I fell in love! Those characters became my friends, those places became my own. Middle-earth was now my home away from home. When I returned the books to the library (and discussed them with my professor, since he seemed to be the only other Tolkien-loving person in that school) I felt somewhat deprived of a companion. To this day, I know copies of LOTR sit on my book shelf at my parents house. Sadly, I can't remember who gave them to me....

A few years later the books were made into movies. The fear of yet another book ruined by Hollywood haunted me. Until I went and saw the movie. And my friends were there. Middle Earth looked like my Middle Earth. The Shire was all i expected it to be. Samwise Gamgee was still the awesome friend and (unsung) hero i expected him to be. And this time around I had a really good friend that loved it as much as me so we could be fans together!

I believe we saw it in 2002. 16y have passed. Haven't read the book in years (missing it now, will grab them during my next visit to my parents), but the movies are must for me.

All this because I would love to be able to just sit with my friend now and re-watch the movies. Extended versions!

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