Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Happy New Year [OMG - it is 2017 already!]

I am pretty sure 2016 lasted a couple less months than usual years! I won't believe the calendars that tell us it lasted 366 days because I am positive it only lasted like 60 or 70... But those days were all super long and all spent at work! 

And then 2017 started! ...

And in the first few days I spent a ton of $$ at the vet clinic, fell on my butt (slipped on ice), had stomach problems and a fever. Came back to work and found that nothing had changed or been done in the projects i was managing... 

2017 is in its 11th calendar day. Yet it feels we should be nearing March or April by now... 

Maybe it is the side of me that had to drive on snow for a couple of days and is now ready for Summer (when am I not ready for Summer?). 

Maybe it is the side of me that is ready to move back to Portugal and leave all of this behind... No one is stopping other than myself. Or the me that wants to save a little more. But is it worth it? Where is the magic 8 ball that actually tells me what to do and when to do it? A little guidance here would be appreciated... or if I am being honest (and why not, it is just me and me here), what i really want is to have the hubby say "let's move now" and just do it! Pack bags and the cat and move! Or not have to pack anything, just hit the teleport button and have the house, with all inside (us and cat included) all moved to Portugal. That would, indeed, be the sweetest thing! And since I am asking, why not ask for a good paying job waiting for me? 

Sadly these are all wishes, and we all know wishes aren't horses... 

Now back to work, because being writing here certainly isn't in my (very vast) job description... 

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