Thursday, January 26, 2017

White House Website

Can't help but follow the political developments as if it was a soap opera. Since yesterday I couldn't bring myself to watch the 1st presidential interview, I decided go to the White House webpage and try to educate myself a bit about this new presidency. 

Thought that clicking on the Statements and Releases from the Press Office would be a good start. And there I saw listed: 

Wow, that is not so bad. Hopefully the federal aid will make it easier for these communities to recover from the fury of Mother Nature. Just because the POTUS is messing up the environment doesn't mean he doesn't try to mitigate effects... 

But then I ran into this:  

What now? There is a "pat in the back" page? This presidency needs confirmation so bad that they roam news and social media looking for a "job well done" publications that they can copy and display? 
First listing read: 

A tweet! They have the transcription of a tweet right there! I kept making fun that the country was going to be ruled by Twitter. Apparently I wasn't all that wrong!

If only i could bring myself to tweet something nice so my name would show up listed in the White Houses official website...

Disclaimer: I do not know if previous presidencies had a similar page! If they did, my comments also apply to them! 

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