Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The joy of being amused with small things

I am not a hard to amuse person. I try to see the silver lining in everything. Maybe it's the Portuguese in me (everything can ALWAYS be worst in the eyes of a real Portuguese), maybe it is just self preservation.

Regardless, today's conversation between my coworker and the Project Manager was really funny...
PM: "geez, those guys should know better, they are supposed to be  looking into these details"
Coworker: (joking) "you have to get 2 superintendents, 1 to look over those things and another one to babysit him"
PM: (serious) "Yup, that is where you guys come in, I want you to start doing that".

And that was it! Still makes me giggle each time i think of the face he made! 

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