Thursday, September 17, 2015

Day 2 of posting: the explanation

Not that someone other than me will read these lines, but i decided to go ahead and explain the purpose and history of this space.

Started a few years ago, more than i care to remember, when I felt the need to have a space where to randomly talk about "stuff" (for lack of a better word). Time, life and circumstances made me stop writing here on a regular basis. Yesterday was the day i resumed the activity. Not sure if it will be a permanent or constant thing, but i will give it a go!

And about myself... Portuguese girl that moved to the US in the pursuit of love. I am sorry if it sounds lame, but it is exactly what happened! The lid for my pot (translation of a Portuguese saying, and I am sticking by it!) lived in MN and that is where I needed to be to be with him. That meant leaving all my other loved ones in Portugal. It wasn't (still isn't) an easy task. The longing for my country, family, friends,..., taunts me everyday, but I know that is temporary and that i will move back someday.

But MN has been good to me and I love it also. Can't say the winter snows trill me or that i look forward to them, but it's part of the charm of this state. And it is undeniable that it is a beautiful place to live in. I also got a nice job that challenges me and teaches me new things. I might bitch about it sometimes (I'm a girl, bitching about stuff if part of the package), but I really enjoy it.

On a final note, if someone else reads this: welcome to my diary! I invite you to be part of my world, to share my happy and sad days (when they are translated into words). Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

Susanita said...

Someone other than you is indeed reading these lines!