Yes, I am in fact writing in English.. While at work... The two events correlate since the keyboard at work doesn't accept my beloved Portuguese special characters. Also, to be fair to the title: if I am at work, the least I could do was to type in the correct language!
Today is one of those days when I could easily be home doing nothing, but instead am sitting at work pretending to work. Bid due date today, we have everything set and ready to go, but need the PM to add 1+1 and give his stamp of approval.... That should happen in the next half hour or so. I wonder if it would help if he was in?
And as of now, I will have to pretend to be busy while doing nothing since both bosses arrived. This is very hard to accomplish since there is only so much i can pretend to do! I guess I could take the dog for a walk, but he is closer to my coworker... and now he took the dog for a walk! Little 4 paws traitor...
Fine, I will go stare at mechanical plans and pretend I know what the issues are...
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