Friday, January 04, 2019

New Year, New... ? What?

Let me start off 2019 with the usual: Happy New Year! May this be the year all your wishes come thru. All but one, so you always have something to strive for.

Now that I got that out of the way, regular programming may follow.

Christmas season is come and gone, the spirit never fully made an appearance, but this year, for the first time, hubby and I stayed at home with the cat. It was nice to stay warm and cozy at home, with no pressure or stress. We don't really exchange gifts, so i just made my traditional Xmas dessert and we were both happy about it. And of course the decorated tree was the cat's perfect gift!

And then I blinked and it was 2019! This year there were no New Year's resolutions made, so I don't have to quit them by the end of February! I see that as progress. There were no midnight wishes, because I was half asleep and didn't remember. And it really doesn't make any difference. If I truly want to make anything different of commit to some changes, I can decide to do so anytime. No need to stick with that particular date to do it.

For now I am at work (lunch time), trying my hardest to actually get this job we are aiming at. Been doing my fair share of calls and digging around. So if it doesn't happen I can say I really tried. Of course it also means that my hardest wasn't good enough, but let's go glass half full here.

Been meaning to check out gym deals. Not because I have some burning desire to join one, but i am pretty sure there will be deals out there, to take advantage of everyone's resolution of joining a gym. And if there are no joining fees I may give it a try. Or not. But can't hurt to try! In all honesty, I have been downloading fitness apps for the past 2 or 3 months, and so far haven't checked any of them out.

 Maybe I could make a resolution of actually writing here more often. Mostly because I get a kick of reading old stuff and remembering things that otherwise would be long forgotten. I won't call it a resolution, but i certainly will keep it in mind.

And for now that will be a wrap. Time to get back to work, even if it is still lunch time for most people that I am about to call.

And once again: Happy New Year!

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