Monday, March 04, 2019

Monday mood

Disclaimer: this post is written with the single purpose of venting.

Today is Monday. That alone should do it. But lately I've tried to have a more positive attitude and be thankful for each day and for the opportunity of working and getting paid for it. So that means that Monday stopped being a curse word and became just a week day like any other.
But today I'm having a hard time keeping positive.
Doesn't help that I'm alone at the office and it's freezing. Turned the heat up and all, but can't feel many changes.
We got a revision for the ongoing project, so the entire process of downloading plans, uploading and emailing them out took forever.
Funny enough, the project bidding also got a revision, so I had to do the same thing. With the bonus that who was on the fence about bidding (this Wednesday) will see that and just ignore the project. I would...
Add miscellaneous requests that been sent my way.
And finally add my niece that can't grasp the simple concepts of economics and wants to spend money she doesn't have on something she doesn't need. And I can't make her understand that she has to learn the value of money and to prioritize purchases... 
Maybe add some messed up hormones or something.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

After a quick search on Google I ended up on the Smithsonian page explaining the origins of Valentine's. 

They go in extensive length, but I just skimmed over it and this is what i take of it: 

"Valentine's Day, in fact, originated as a liturgical feast to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr, or perhaps two."

Read more:

This really lines up with my spirit today actually.... But for some reason I actually like my hubbie and am not going to chop his head off... Bummer... I will just stay at work doing not much and trying to get my mood back to shape! 

Might go crazy and leave early to go get my eyebrows done and buy some chocolates as a gift. I will even buy the ones that have mint on them so there is no risk of me eating them. Wanted to go watch the Green Book movie, but the theater i want to go to only screens it at 4:30 pm today and that is kind of late... 

That being said... Happy Valentine's to whomever is reading this, and hope your head keeps firmly attached to your body! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lack of...

... things to say... motivation to do stuff...

Not sure what to blame for this, but the truth is I feel like doing nothing. All i want to do is sit on the couch and hibernate. Watch some movie for the 100th time and just wait for the grumpy me to die of boredom.

Work kind of got in the way of that and now here I sit, trying hard to compel myself to actually work on what i have to do. It is not much and I really don't need to do it now, but once it's done I don't have to worry about it.

I could blame the cold winter, the snow, politics, ..., the list goes on. But to be honest, the only one to blame is myself and maybe some weird hormonal fluctuation. That being said, all I can do is to deal with it and carry on doing stuff with 0 motivation.

Darn, I miss some nice ME time...

Monday, February 04, 2019

Cold Cold Cold

During the worst of the Polar Vortex that made temperatures drop to minus A LOT in the Midwest I got to stay home from work. There was not enough to do for it to be worth my time and effort to come in. Yesterday temperatures rose to positive numbers and today I had to come in to actually do some work. Rise of temperatures yesterday + freeze today = first fall of the year in the ice ring that our parking lot is.... One broken nail, sore wrist and a minor cut on a finger sums up the damage that i can access at this point.

The joys or winter in Minnesota for a clumsy person...

Friday, January 18, 2019


This morning the topic was on my mind, so decided to share some thoughts here.

One of my friends is coming to spend over this weekend. And it got me thinking how we became friends. We met in college. Same thing happened to most of my friends. I have less than a handful of friends from times prior or after college. And that is fine, I don't have many friends, but the ones I have are good ones. Quality over quantity.
But back to the topic, most of these friends I remember meeting. Or I associate my first friendly memory of them with a specific class or event.
The friend that is coming to visit I met during our first year, first semester, but only got friendly the next one.
However, I can't place a time or event that brought me together to another friend. Mutual acquaintances? Shared classes or group work? Can't remember. She is so important to me that i think she came with the college acceptance package. They knew I needed her to enrich my life and to be a part of it.
She is not a very touchy-feel kind of person, so I can't really tell her this without making her uncomfortable, so I will write it here, so I will always remember the day I figured she has been in my life forever, and that she was already my friend before our paths crossed. We were meant to be friends and destiny just had to make that happen.

I can live for many many years. Pretty sure I will never work on the field I studied. Pretty sure I really don't care. But i am certain that i made the right choice, because it allowed me to meet the people I met and finally find my people there.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Throw back Thursday

Radio station at the office is only playing music from the 70/80's. And it's GREAT! Singing along with most of them, remembering some that i used to love and just haven't heard in a while.
Odd how those were the songs that stuck to me. The ones I listened to while growing up.

Richard Marx with Right Here Waiting playing at the moment. Off to do some sing along since I am briefly alone at the office.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

10y challenge

Seems like the thing to do is to post pictures of one self now and 10y ago. I am not going to do that. Partly because I don't have any pictures available of me 10y ago, partly because I don't want to.
But i can make a mental exercise and think of where I was and what was happening to me in 2009.
Memory isn't the best, so after a quick trip to FB and this blog's history, these are the most remarkable things to consider:

  • Ended a relationship with someone that i really didn't care for;
  • Had a crush on a rebound guy:
  • Met my husband and fell in love with him;
  • My niece turned 6. She was the most adorable little girl in the world and I loved her to pieces. 
  • Was very addicted to an online game called Ikariam;
  • Told my parents I met someone that might be the one and where he was from.
  • Had another hip surgery;
  • Stayed home to recover and couldn't go to work. Sounds like a good thing, but i remember being bored out of my mind;
  • My friends where the same as they are today. Bonus points for choosing them well! 
And this was it in a nutshell. It all seems like it happened yesterday, not ten years ago. 
Almost a past lifetime! However, many of those things remain true. My love for my niece, hubbie and friends. My need to have medical attention to my hip (even if i have been neglecting it or checks ups for the past 7y). My fear of hurting and/or disappointing my parents. And my constant boredom at whatever work I'm doing and simultaneous need to be doing it to keep mental wellness. And lastly my tendency to have some sort of online game to keep me distracted (currently it is Marvel Future Fight). 
Guess years may go by as they please, but i will be me and things won't change that much if i am true to myself. 

Now back to waiting for bids to come in! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


For our wedding anniversary back in December my hubby decided to get me a new wedding band. Mostly because I had been hinting at one for a while. He kept telling me to get one and I kept procrastinating. Nothing new there. So on the eve of the anniversary he dragged me to Macy's so we could choose one. That might sound very easy, but it isn't. Not the dragging me to Macy's part, but the choosing one. If he had is way I would be sporting a big rock, a diamond able to cut glass at several of Macy's storefronts. Me on the other hand would much rather have a simple gold band that is as simple and innocent as possible. Much like the one I use, but like half a size bigger, just to accommodate my not slimming down.
And then the browsing and trying stuff began. Poor sales guy must of been cursing the day he met us, but he was a sweetheart and sucked it up.
We finally narrowed down the search to two options. One that I loved and he tolerated and one that he loved and I was OK with. I caved in and chose the one he loved. Slightly more shiny and bigger, but nothing i can't handle with some getting used to. And surprise surprise... it was too big for me! Must of tried 20 different rings, all that perfectly fit me... and he chose the one that needed to be resized! Fine, i can wait the 3 weeks the guy mentioned...
Fast forward 3 weeks...
And no call to pick up the ring!
A month goes by. And yesterday I actually call to check on it. It is just starting to bug me, since I have to pay the credit card bill and not a fan of paying for stuff I don't have.
Yesterday afternoon the ring "wasn't ready yet". Bummer...
This morning i get a call before 10 saying the ring is ready to be picked up! Don't want to sound paranoid, but isn't that a big weird coincidence? I will try not to think that the ring has been sitting there, all alone and feeling left out because no one called me to pick it up... The poor thing...
And now that i vented about this totally dumb and self absorbed topic, I can get to work and/or read the news, whatever happens first.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday bits

  • Government is still shut down and the negotiations today might be non-existing due to snow in DC. 4 weeks of people not getting paid. It could be funny if it wasn't so sad and preposterous. 
  • Snow didn't reach MN, so no excuse not to come to work. 
  • I have the Monday blues and woke up with the "fuck it all" version of Frozen in my mind.
  • Mini boss has the Monday blues too and there is dead silence at the office.  
Happy Monday ya'll!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Funny stuff at work 2

Convo held over the phone with a sub:
" Sub: Hey, I was checking for that email you were going to send. I didn't receive it.
   Me [after confirming I had the correct email info]: Have you checked your spam folder?
   Sub: Yeah, i checked my junk before I called
   Me: ...

Image result for spongebob trying not to laugh

     Me: I will send you the email from a different source."

Juvenile, I know... But the way he said it was just hilarious! 

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Funny stuff at work 1

[Convo held yesterday afternoon]
"Boss: what time will you be in tomorrow? I am to look at these plans with you two. I plan on getting in at 9am.
Mini-boss: I will be in at 8. Want to be up to take calls on another project.
Me: well... I was planning on coming in at 10.... But i can make it in earlier...
Boss: ok, that works."

As planned I got in at 10. And was the first one in.

Just thought it was funny.

Update: mini boss just walked in too, so only a couple hours late on the date he first mentioned.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Government shut down

The title alone says it all. The US government is shut down because the chosen president won't budge on is wish to have funds to build a wall. It is perfectly fine to have 800,000 people not getting paid to do their work. Sounds like a solid plan...

Let's imagine that these people get $7/h. Per week that equals $224,000,000 in savings that can go towards the wall. A couple of months of government shutdown and the wall will pay for itself... Who would of guessed that Mexico wouldn't want to pay for that ridiculous notion? Now everyone needs to make sacrifices and what not...

This is all so ridiculous it's hard to grasp....

Friday, January 04, 2019

New Year, New... ? What?

Let me start off 2019 with the usual: Happy New Year! May this be the year all your wishes come thru. All but one, so you always have something to strive for.

Now that I got that out of the way, regular programming may follow.

Christmas season is come and gone, the spirit never fully made an appearance, but this year, for the first time, hubby and I stayed at home with the cat. It was nice to stay warm and cozy at home, with no pressure or stress. We don't really exchange gifts, so i just made my traditional Xmas dessert and we were both happy about it. And of course the decorated tree was the cat's perfect gift!

And then I blinked and it was 2019! This year there were no New Year's resolutions made, so I don't have to quit them by the end of February! I see that as progress. There were no midnight wishes, because I was half asleep and didn't remember. And it really doesn't make any difference. If I truly want to make anything different of commit to some changes, I can decide to do so anytime. No need to stick with that particular date to do it.

For now I am at work (lunch time), trying my hardest to actually get this job we are aiming at. Been doing my fair share of calls and digging around. So if it doesn't happen I can say I really tried. Of course it also means that my hardest wasn't good enough, but let's go glass half full here.

Been meaning to check out gym deals. Not because I have some burning desire to join one, but i am pretty sure there will be deals out there, to take advantage of everyone's resolution of joining a gym. And if there are no joining fees I may give it a try. Or not. But can't hurt to try! In all honesty, I have been downloading fitness apps for the past 2 or 3 months, and so far haven't checked any of them out.

 Maybe I could make a resolution of actually writing here more often. Mostly because I get a kick of reading old stuff and remembering things that otherwise would be long forgotten. I won't call it a resolution, but i certainly will keep it in mind.

And for now that will be a wrap. Time to get back to work, even if it is still lunch time for most people that I am about to call.

And once again: Happy New Year!