Since I last wrote a number of things have happened. To be fairly honest, none that would stop me from updating my own diary, but i guess i can make my own rules if I want to.
Biggest thing that happened was the visit from my teenager niece, with her mother. It was their first time visiting the states, so we spent a fair amount of time visiting tourist attractions in Minnesota. Got to see the Science Museum, and it really is great. For sure a place to visit more timely some other time.
It was great having them around, especially my niece, whom I love with all my heart. I love her mother, but i wish i could of had my niece all to myself for that time. Just to spoil her even more than i already do. I was even ready to spend countless hours at shopping malls and beauty stores, since those are her true loves... But it came to an end :( Now to wait for the next visit...
After that visit there a dark period, where there was no work at the office and I got to stay home waiting for a text telling me to come in... Those were boring days. Mixed feelings really, since it is nice to stay home and relax, but stressful at the same time, since income is always a plus.
November rolled in and some work showed up, just enough for me to have what can be considered a part time. And that is where I am right now.
Christmas is just around the corner, most of the gifts were purchased during Cyber Monday. Can't just ignore a good sale, when those gifts have to be purchased any way. Now there are all on their way to the locations designated. Still missing a couple gifts for the american side of the family, but inspiration for those didn't came in quite so naturally... Maybe closer to Xmas, when I actually have to do it and peer pressure will set off my Christmas spirit.
In the meanwhile, my 7th US anniversary came and went, with no notice from anyone but myself. Guess it makes sense, since I am the one it impacted. My gift to myself was to go to Sephora and buy some foundation so I wouldn't look like a tired raccoon on Thanksgiving dinner. Ended up talking to a nice gal that works there and she gave me the Sephora birthday treat for my US anniversary. That was nice. :) Big fan of Sephora now!
Oh, btw... used foundation for the dinner party. My mistake was to also use a concealer that a friend gave to me and is too light for my skin tone.... My hubbie renamed me Casper for the day, so that should give an idea on how well my make up turned out.
And I think this sums up the past few months.
Will try to update more often, just for shits and giggles on my part.
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