Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Slow days

When at work, it's nice to have something to do. Just to help pass the time. I don't mean to be overwhelmed with tasks, but to have enough to keep me busy for a few hours. Sadly that is not the case at the moment.
We are only dealing with small little projects that the mini boss is looking over and some warranty stuff that the big boss is dealing with. That leaves me with little to nothing to do. Send a couple of emails, answer a phone call... and kill time... Since I get paid by the hour worked, that leaves me with mixed feelings: should i stay here just in case and get paid or do I just go or stay home due to lack of work? Been trying to compromise and not do full days, staying for only a couple of hours... I will have to discuss this with the bosses so we reach an agreement. Don't want them thinking i am taking advantage of their good will, but I also don't want them to think i am trying to steal their money!

This morning when the alarm clock rang, I felt like I had sand bags sitting in my eyes. Waking up was a true pain. Thought about calling it a day and staying home, but calling it with such short notice wasn't really right. And now I sit here, waiting for an email and playing games on my phone... just isn't right.

Fairly certain that after I bitch about this, a number of projects will show up on my email... fingers crossed!

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