The country that won the UEFA Euro 2016 cup!
I should be going on an on about it. And part of me wants to, I am very happy about that win, for many many reasons. Also happy about all the other sport wins that happened during the weekend. But the soccer one had a little more impact on me. I have been waiting for it for my entire life. Watched countless games, cried over it, suffered and celebrated. But never lost the hope that would happen. And now it did!
But today all I can feel is this longing to be with my people. To hear my language being talked around me. To not be here. Guess I'm tired. And can't fight it much longer.
It pains me to take my husband away from the place where he has been living for the past... many years. To a place where he doesn't understand the language. But we agreed on that move, and he seems to be ok with doing it, so it will have to happen sooner rather than later!
A part of me wanted to stay a bit longer. Save some more money. Get a little retirement fund going on. The other part of me just can't stand it anymore.
Wonder if hours of sleep and rest would make this feel less hard. Make it more bearable. But for now I am not getting that rest, so I will just bitch and hope for the day when I return. When I get a nice new place and can take the kitty to meet the Portuguese family. People that love her already and would be totally fine with taking care of her while we away....
I should go on, get things out of my system. But i will finish, readjust my happy mask, and carry on.
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