Friday, April 01, 2016

Friday morning meeting - 1

I should be working now. Really working hard. Should of… Could of.. Would of… Instead I am typing this text using an outlook box to disguise my lack of work and playing Trivia Crack on the phone. Failing miserably at it. I used to be smart, not really sure what happened.

Since today is Friday, we got to have our Friday morning meeting, which is just code for eating and donuts and talking. As usual Miss dumb-ass here decided to ask a work question as a conversation started. In my defense, I was trying to steer the conversation away from the chatter that usually happens and that I didn’t feel like enduring. So I shouldn’t be complaining about having the boss say that we have to be more “ass-hole like” sometimes. After I replied that would be a problem to me, he said he didn’t care and that I only had to deal with it. Awesome, really what I wanted. I strongly dislike confrontation, arguments or any form of heated conversation. I like to do things the diplomatic way. Of course that does not always work when dealing with contractors. I have found many good people out there, but I have also had the displeasure of running into some royal dicks. And not the good kind of dick…

So I will just go on with my playing and the pretending to work. Today won’t be the day I am a bitch! Let us save that for some other day when I am naturally inclined to that.

Happy Weekend!

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