Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Did you really think this through?

This just happened and I am giggling about it, so I decided to write it down to remember in the future! Not sure if it will make sense if anyone else other than myself reads it, so my apologies for that!

Small company here, keep that in mind.
President’s name (eg): Mrs. Blah blah
Project Manager name: MR. Blah blah
And “Blah blah” is an uncommon name, the kind you have to spell out each time you give it away.

Project manager sends out perfectly polite e-mail to subcontractor telling him to comply to schedule and having supplies available. Subcontractor calls immediately asking to talk to the President in order for her to remove the Project Manager from the project since he is being pushy and rude.
Yeah dude, that is going to happen! She may even say that to him while in bed. Something like “hey honey, forgot to mention you are off the project you are running because some little girl disguised as a grown man is upset at you”. This guy works in construction. If he gets all flushed and upset with the e-mail Mr. Blah blah sent him, he is royally screwed working in this field. I’m a girl, pretty easily offended with nonsense stuff and I can’t find the fault in that e-mail! Part of me wants to call him and ask WTF?

This is going to be a weird Wednesday… 

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