Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

After a quick search on Google I ended up on the Smithsonian page explaining the origins of Valentine's. 

They go in extensive length, but I just skimmed over it and this is what i take of it: 

"Valentine's Day, in fact, originated as a liturgical feast to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr, or perhaps two."

Read more:

This really lines up with my spirit today actually.... But for some reason I actually like my hubbie and am not going to chop his head off... Bummer... I will just stay at work doing not much and trying to get my mood back to shape! 

Might go crazy and leave early to go get my eyebrows done and buy some chocolates as a gift. I will even buy the ones that have mint on them so there is no risk of me eating them. Wanted to go watch the Green Book movie, but the theater i want to go to only screens it at 4:30 pm today and that is kind of late... 

That being said... Happy Valentine's to whomever is reading this, and hope your head keeps firmly attached to your body! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Lack of...

... things to say... motivation to do stuff...

Not sure what to blame for this, but the truth is I feel like doing nothing. All i want to do is sit on the couch and hibernate. Watch some movie for the 100th time and just wait for the grumpy me to die of boredom.

Work kind of got in the way of that and now here I sit, trying hard to compel myself to actually work on what i have to do. It is not much and I really don't need to do it now, but once it's done I don't have to worry about it.

I could blame the cold winter, the snow, politics, ..., the list goes on. But to be honest, the only one to blame is myself and maybe some weird hormonal fluctuation. That being said, all I can do is to deal with it and carry on doing stuff with 0 motivation.

Darn, I miss some nice ME time...

Monday, February 04, 2019

Cold Cold Cold

During the worst of the Polar Vortex that made temperatures drop to minus A LOT in the Midwest I got to stay home from work. There was not enough to do for it to be worth my time and effort to come in. Yesterday temperatures rose to positive numbers and today I had to come in to actually do some work. Rise of temperatures yesterday + freeze today = first fall of the year in the ice ring that our parking lot is.... One broken nail, sore wrist and a minor cut on a finger sums up the damage that i can access at this point.

The joys or winter in Minnesota for a clumsy person...