Thursday, August 02, 2018


Because that is all I can think of. Chocolate cake. Chocolate mousse. Chocolate cupcakes.... Anything chocolate, other than chocolate itself.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Red Devil

And that about sums it up! I had this entire post lined up in my mind since yesterday, when I had to stay home because I couldn't stand up straight. And since there wasn't much to do at work I gave myself the day off to stay home, take some Midol and curl up in the couch. And eat Swiss Rolls. And avoid killing the poor hubby.
But Google provided this .gif that sums up so well the feeling that it would be a shame not to use it (thank you to whomever made it available).

Today I came in to work, no Midol intake since the thing makes me drowsy. And then I forgot the office key, so I got to sit in the car waiting for someone to show up and open the door. And since there isn't much to do I sit here, waiting for bids to come in. And hoping the bosses will show up with chocolate donuts... One can hope, right?