Thursday, July 26, 2018

"The Game" - final chapter

Last weekend marked the end of a year and a half on addiction.

Hubbie and I talked and decided the game was no longer fun and had become a pain instead of a fun activity.

Constant PC crashes, several bugs, messed up queuing system, ridiculous drop rates, plain rude and entitled people... Just a short list of the things we realized were bugging us and ruining the experience for us.

So on Friday, July 20th we shut down Neverwinter. We both plan on going back one last time, to strip our account of goodies and give them to a guildy. But he is out in is vacation, so no point in logging in for now.

Part of me feels sad for all the time (and money) we invested in that game to just give up, but the biggest part of me is happy to have weekends, nights and mornings back. To be able to spend a leisurely Sunday, just reading on the couch, watching TV or just plain resting.

On to find a new game we enjoy. Or to dig up one of our board games and give it a go!

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