Yesterday, while running Cradle of the Death God , queue leader sends me a tell confirming if I speak Portuguese. I've ran content with him before, so i'm sure at some point if came up. I confirm that i do, and we switch from English talk to Portuguese. So he starts explaining that a Brazilian buddy from his guild started playing a scourge warlock and was asking for advice on alliance chat. He wanted to talk to a good experienced SW to give him pointers. And then random people told him he should reach out to Mika for that. Seems like different people had crossed paths with my little warlock and felt I would be a good fit to help him out. My Brazilian friend said he knew me and could get us in touch. And so he did.
All this to explain that it was really nice to feel recognized in game. Learning that my name is known and my game play as well. I am not even close to where i want to be with her, still a long way to go, but i must be doing something right. It is such a nice change of pace to have people ask for my SW to run content, to have them pm me instead of having to get my foot on the door thru hubbies toons (yeah, that happened a couple of times).
Recognition in this case was good! Even if i try to keep a low profile and make myself mostly invisible (both RL and online), it's nice to get a word of appreciation every now and then.
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