Saturday, October 31, 2009


I don't like secrets... At least when I don't know them. If I do, I keep them with my life, but if i don't, i can almost give my life in return. It's a childish thing, as many others I have and plan on keeping.
This week I got a secret by mail. Regular mail, the one that makes us open letters and smile with anticipation on the content (apart from bank letters that usually happens to me…)
This was it:

It made me smile. A lot. It still does every time I look at it (and believe me, that happens often).
I know the sender won’t see this, but I wanted to leave him an online thank you…
So thank you B., loved your secret 


Anonymous said...

é tão lindinho!!!

Artemysa said...

:) Bom ver-te assim animada, mereces!!!
