Monday, January 26, 2009


For the first time real life got in the way of Ikariam. And I don’t care if attacks have to be sent. I don’t care about war or little things involving units or fleet. I don’t care if the entire alliance has to wait until I’m home.
It was meant to be today. If they decided to wait 48h why not 60?! Next Wednesday I can't do it!!!
I have to go and get some more butterflies…

Ps... ok, I care a bit... or a lot... but I just realized that RL makes me happier sometimes…


k3nNyzZ said...

go paty go..
put ikariam 2nd priority..
u can get it back somehow..
go fix sometimes..
and get as much BUTTERFLIES as u can..
good luck to u then..

Paty said...



I wish you loads of butterflies too!