Monday, March 04, 2019

Monday mood

Disclaimer: this post is written with the single purpose of venting.

Today is Monday. That alone should do it. But lately I've tried to have a more positive attitude and be thankful for each day and for the opportunity of working and getting paid for it. So that means that Monday stopped being a curse word and became just a week day like any other.
But today I'm having a hard time keeping positive.
Doesn't help that I'm alone at the office and it's freezing. Turned the heat up and all, but can't feel many changes.
We got a revision for the ongoing project, so the entire process of downloading plans, uploading and emailing them out took forever.
Funny enough, the project bidding also got a revision, so I had to do the same thing. With the bonus that who was on the fence about bidding (this Wednesday) will see that and just ignore the project. I would...
Add miscellaneous requests that been sent my way.
And finally add my niece that can't grasp the simple concepts of economics and wants to spend money she doesn't have on something she doesn't need. And I can't make her understand that she has to learn the value of money and to prioritize purchases... 
Maybe add some messed up hormones or something.
